
The meaning of aum, yoga workshop


If you plan to attend my yoga workshops in Ammanford, Garnant, Garnswllt or Penllargaer will become quite familiar with the mantra Om (correctly pronounced AUM).

This sound is a highly significant symbol in the yogic tradition and also in other spiritual traditions. It was first mentioned in the Rigveda (one of the earliest texts to mention yoga) and is given significant attention in the Mandukya Upanishad (1st century BCE).

AUM is a primordial sound that holds deep metaphysical and philosophical meanings. In this article we discuss some of the most prominent aspect relating to the meaning of AUM:


Universal Sound: AUM is also known as the “pranava mantra” or the “cosmic sound.” It is considered to be the sound that was present at the creation of the universe, representing the vibrational energy underlying all of existence, that’s quite a sound!

Ultimate Reality: Om symbolizes the ultimate reality or the source of all existence – it represents the unchanging, eternal nature of reality that transcends the material world.

aum symbol behind yoga teacher

The Three Fundamental States of Consciousness:

  • A (Akar): The waking state of consciousness.
  • U (Ukar): The dreaming state of consciousness.
  • M (Makar): The state of deep sleep/ unconsciousness.

The complete syllable “AUM” encompasses these states, and the silence that follows represents the transcendent fourth state, Turiya.

Unity of Body, Mind, and Spirit: The chanting of Om is believed to ‘yoke’ together the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of a person. It is a tool for aligning and balancing these dimensions.

Symbol of Peace and Unity: Om represents the unity of all existence and the interconnectedness of all living things. It reflects the idea that, at a fundamental level, everything is connected and part of a greater whole.

Focus for Meditation: Om is often used as a point of focus in meditation. Chanting or meditating on Om will calm the mind, induce a state of inner stillness, and facilitate a deeper connection with one’s true self.

Overall, the meaning of Om is rich and multifaceted, encompassing cosmological, philosophical, and spiritual dimensions. It is a symbol that transcends cultural and religious boundaries, resonating with those seeking a deeper understanding of existence and the nature of reality.

Yoga Class Schedule


Monday 10am, Glanaman

Cwmaman Community Centre

Glanaman, Ammanford


Genna doing beginners yoga classes in AmmanfordSaturday 11am, Penllergaer

Caffi Nini, RSPCA Llys Nini

Click to book or


Genna doing beginners yoga classes in AmmanfordSaturday 1.30pm, Garnswllt

Garnswllt Welfare Hall

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